Put a coin in the
Tarot Jukebox
and out will come
something beautiful,
just for you.
A perfect gift to yourself
or a loved one.
“What on earth is this!” you say?
Tarot Jukebox originated from my interest in tarot, which turned into a “hobby” that got out of hand, resulting in me becoming an accidental expert of sorts on the matter. Leading to:
Personalized tarot readings in the shape of a song…
Which one will you choose?
Short and sweet
A 3-card (past, future, present) personal recorded reading
00:30-1:00 minute song
take a breath
Slice of life
A 5-card (standard cross)
personal recorded reading
2:00-3:00 minute song
balance is key
Above and beyond
A full (celtic cross) LIVE tarot reading
through zoom or in person
complete 4-6 minute song with band
live life to the fullest
Get your custom Tarot Jukebox
reading and song by sending an email to vayymusic@gmail.com
or ask your question below: